Owning Your Intuition

When people say, “your sensitivity is your superpower” what I believe they really mean is your sensitivity is a doorway to truth, to your intuition.
We live in a world where most people feel comfortable living in fantasy because the truth can be so difficult to sit with.
Fantasy assists your body in turning down the dial of your sensitivity so you can live in the mind instead.
But the truth is, your body is always speaking to you.
Your sensitive senses are little gifts for you to receive messages from your wise inner knowing system.
As a left-handed, highly sensitive woman, I’ve definitely spent my fair share of time reflecting on how the world is designed for the right-handed, “be a man and not so sensitive” mentality.
Using your left hand is associated with the right side of your brain and used to be labeled as dirty, evil and shameful. This makes sense because the right side of your brain is your intuition, creativity and where some say your “free thinking” resides.

And doesn’t “be a man” and “don’t be so sensitive” really mean don’t feel or show emotion? Toughen up? Harden up?
Whenever I hear these phrases I silently say a little prayer for the ones speaking them.
Some people don’t realize what they’re saying and others simply don’t know how to support sensitive ones because they themselves never had their sensitivity honored or nurtured.
Instead of pointing fingers, we take responsibility for our own truths, sensitivity and honoring our intuition over fantasy and ego.

The *final round* of the Own Your Intuition five-month course begins on February 6th. I created this “life-changing” experience for the highly sensitive women with big hearts and feelings who want to uncover their gifts and awaken the seeress - the truth teller - within.

Own Your Intuition is an activation. An initiation. A sisterhood. A remembering. A reclamation.
We work with the unseen realms, and unearth once buried feminine wisdom.
We hold each other in our truths, our knowings, our shadow and our light.
OYI is something like ancient and new at the same time.
We walk the path of reclamation, of inner knowing. We commit to doing what it is we came here to do, when we are meant to do it.
We say what we mean and mean what we say.
We embrace our bodies as our soul’s best friend and honor our sensitivity.
We shed the projections others have cast on us and grow new skin to hold our once dying dreams.
There are no dogmas. No thing you have to believe in.

You are welcome, as you are.


How to Start Trusting Your Intuition

