The Medicine of Daffodil

Daffodil teaches you to not only abundantly share your light, but to believe and trust in your own light. She says, believe in yourself and your dreams the way you wish those around you believed in you and your dreams.

Beloved, do not belittle your own power, your light or your ability to get things done. Trust in your own powerful essence, the part of you that is completely unique to shape shift and grow with every passing moment.

Daffodil may visit you in your dreams or visions when it is time to trust in your own inner light to guide your way. Bring forth your inner child as you uncover the desires and dreams you've tried to hide in your inner cave of darkness. The time has come to pour all of your light into all that originates from your big, beautiful heart. 
Sometimes when we have a calling, an idea or a dream we immediately think, "HOW WILL THIS HAPPEN?"

Take the first step in front of you. 
The only way you can illuminate the second step is if you take the first one.

Own Your Light Ceremony


  • 1 Daffodil

  • Fresh water

  • Small bowl you love


Gently place the petals of one daffodil in a bowl of fresh water and let sit in the sun for at least 1 hour. Take your two peace fingers of your left hand and dip them into your daffodil water essence while bravely asking your own inner light to come forth. Anoint yourself at your third eye, throat, heart, solar plexus and womb/pelvic space. Breathe deeply down into the soles of your feet.
Using your left fingertips, dip and flick/spritz your flower essence all around your home, and the perimeter of your home/land. While you do this you can either sing aloud or silently ask the daffodil essence to bless and protect while bringing forth your own inner light and courage. You can pour the remaining water of the essence on the east corner of your land to complete the ceremony. Invite gratitude into your heart and see your aura as clear and golden as a daffodil before moving about the rest of your day.

Trust in your own light to carry you and guide your way.
May your own light become the guide you listen to the most.

-A piece from Kelly’s writing in the May 2022 Newsletter


Soul Art


The Law of Three