Fortifying Your Aura

Promises and vows you make, to yourself and others, have extraordinary power.

I invite you to re-examine the vows and promises you've made in the past.

  • Have you kept them?

  • Do you need to release old vows?

  • Have you outgrown promises you’ve made in the past?

  • How are you still living out promises from past lives?

    There are many benefits to this practice with potential to span through many different lifetimes, fortifying your aura.

    When I sit with a client in a soul reading who may need to re-examine their vows and promises, or their patterns of making them, the aura can appear muddy and/or heavy.

    Spring is typically mud season, and is a great time to first clear any muddiness in your energy field. I find how people move through spring (clearing, cleansing, de-cluttering, etc.) sets them up for healthy seasons ahead. Perhaps it is time to strengthen and fortify you aura by clearing away old contracts no longer serving you and to pay a bit more attention to the power of the vows and promises you make.

    The vows & promises you make create energetic contracts with yourself, and others!

  • What is an old promise or vow you made in the past no longer aligning with who you are today and /or who you are rebirthing into?

  • How will you create ceremony releasing yourself from the old tendrils and contracts attached to these old promises?

  • What promises or vows made in the past need your attention again? Is their any unfinished business you need to tend to? Sometimes we find soul contracts here.




Sleeping Dragons