The Ancient Feminine Way of Owning Your Intuition

Many people want to connect to their intuition on a deeper level, but only the ones who are available for the reality that truth and change bring, will ever actually succeed. 

You cannot Own Your Intuition and access truth without change.

This is why most people, for example, stay in relationships they know are not healthy.
Because they don't want to accept the change that would come from moving on.
As a professional intuitive consultant, soul reader and seeress, I receive regular messages from people wondering how I fail at avoiding my own personal tragedies, losses, and painful experiences as I must know "everything".
If you choose to follow the path of owning your intuition to avoid your soul contracts and the natural rhythms of life, you are setting yourself up for painful lessons.
Owning Your Intuition is being in an intimate relationship with the divinity that lives within you, and trusting the alchemy that comes from being cracked open.
I have never met a person that followed a true intuitive hit and regretted it.
However, I have met countless people that regret not following them. When you choose to ignore your intuition, there is a hardness that can develop between your soul and your body. I have watched this hardness dampen one’s ability to take necessary risks in life to reach their potential as the hardness hinders self esteem and confidence as insecurity is a close friend to buried intuition.
I believe many people and institutions have spent the totality of their existence claiming divinity only lives inside of certain structures and physical places on the earth because if you were to truly understand that divinity lives within you, you would break the spell of distraction.

You are easily controlled while you are distracted looking for connection and power everywhere outside of yourself. There is another way, and it is why I call, the ancient feminine way of Owning Your Intuition.


Owning Your Intuition is:

  • Cultivating inner peace, confidence, self-esteem, health, and happiness.

  • Understanding this path isn’t always easy, but it is always worth it. You’ll likely never regret owning your intuition, but you will regret burying your intuition.

  • Weaving your soul to your body and feeling connected to divine guidance always available to you.

  • Deciphering your fear from your intuitive hits.

  • Knowing what you are channeling and where your guidance is coming from!!

  • Honoring your body as a sacred vessel and gift to your soul in this lifetime. Your intuitive hits move through your BODY! 

  • Choosing to courageously embody truth even when everyone around you calls you crazy, irrational, or laughs in your face.

  • Living a meaningful-to-you-life that helps you reach your highest potential.

  • Connecting to the divinity that you are.

  • Choosing to believe in the magic of miracles, signs, and synchronicities as guide posts on your path.

  • + more

If this work calls to you, I graciously invite you join me with the acclaimed "life changing work" of Own Your Intuition. 

-December 2022 Medicine


Do What You Came Here to Do


Your Soul is as Old as The Ocean Herself