Do What You Came Here to Do

I imagine myself holding a loud speaker in my right hand and healing chimes in my left. I slowly ring the gentle melodies and clearly speak the words,

Do What You Came Here To Do.

This month feels like a good time to cloak yourself with the rewarding hooded cape of transformation. 
Climb into the shelter of all of the hard work you've done this year and get to it.

Here's a practice I love to do:

  • Before I create, channel or take time to sift through my ideas and birth my creations into the world, I imagine a magical, healing cloak wrapped around my body, my mind and my heart to protect my visions, my dreams and my ideas.
    (This is a tiny peak into the many practices I'll be sharing in my upcoming Own Your Medicine course for creative and healing business owners)

The cloak feels like a loving friend reminding me to keep my ideas close by as I nurture them and bring them into reality.
When ideas and visions are shared prematurely, you open yourself up to taking the easy route of self-sabotage.

You don't dig in the soil before your flowers bloom do you? 
Don't treat your unique creations that way then.
Respect them, respect you.

You don't have to tell anyone your plans.
Talk less.
Do more.

One of the biggest illusions I see people from all walks of life carrying is that they have time "later" to do the things, follow their dreams or take risks. All you have is right now.

If you are available, open up to the ancient teachings of Samhain and invite the wisdom of truth within so you can see how you are alive during a teeny tiny fraction of human history - so small your brain can't actually hold how small this blip in time really is.

You have the dreams, visions, love, and gifts of your ancestors in every drop of blood circulating through your body right now. 

What if you stopped focusing more on the traumas, resentments, and pain of your ancestry and called upon your unique ancestral potion of strength, bravery and survival?

What would happen if you truly tuned in to how long your lineage is and how many resilient people had to come before you to create you, as you are, right now.

There is real magic pulsing through your being and it's called your soul.
Your essence.

Tap into it, take time to listen to your soul's voice and DO WHAT YOU CAME HERE TO DO!

Forgive yourself for waiting so long.
Forgive your ancestors, and those still alive with you.
Free yourself and harness the gifts of your senses, for they allow you to experience your life after all.

May your heart forever guide you to the compass of your soul.
I am forever rooting you on.

-November 2022 Medicine


Death & Transformation


The Ancient Feminine Way of Owning Your Intuition